Website Manager

$17.00 / month and a $497.00 sign-up fee


A website manager oversees the daily maintenance and administration of an organization’s website. These professionals perform a range of IT, marketing and website development tasks to ensure organizations have functional websites that represent them well and users can navigate easily. They often respond to security issues and troubleshoot and resolve a variety of website performance issues. Website managers ensure the website has accurate and current domain and hosting information to prevent potential downtime.


A website manager oversees the daily maintenance and administration of an organization’s website. These professionals perform a range of IT, marketing and website development tasks to ensure organizations have functional websites that represent them well and users can navigate easily. They often respond to security issues and troubleshoot and resolve a variety of website performance issues. Website managers ensure the website has accurate and current domain and hosting information to prevent potential downtime.

Website managers are responsible for managing all aspects of a website. For example, they may manage blog posts, guest articles, images, reviews, videos and webpages. They may assist with creating new content for the website or auditing its existing content to identify areas of improvement. Similarly, website managers often help with search engine optimization (SEO) efforts to promote the website’s presence and increase web traffic.

Key Duties:

  • Align the website with the organization’s brand, strategy and standards;
  • Audit content and remove duplicate information;
  • Assist with social media campaigns and other marketing efforts;
  • Complete tests to ensure website efficiency and quality;
  • Create strategies to improve website traffic;
  • Develop website content to support organizational goals and strategies;
  • Ensure the website complies with the appropriate laws and regulations;
  • Evaluate competitors’ websites;
  • Follow industry best practices;
  • Identify ways to improve website user experience;
  • Implement security measures to protect websites;
  • Keep the website’s domain and hosting registration current;
  • Manage pay-per-click and search engine optimization campaigns;
  • Monitor for website security breaches and respond to them as needed;
  • Plan, create, implement, manage, monitor and update websites for organizations;
  • Produce sitemaps that represent and visualize the website’s structure and functions;
  • Reply to, troubleshoot and resolve website issues;
  • Update website coding frequently.

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