E-Commerce Manager

$79.00 / month and a $499.00 sign-up fee


E-Commerce managers formulate strategies that concern the design and practicality of online shops and digital platforms. They make executive decisions to ensure existing frameworks help facilitate the generation of profit. E-Commerce managers devise strategies and harness sales-related insights, prevailing standards, and novel developments to encourage sales and online stores.


E-Commerce managers formulate strategies that concern the design and practicality of online shops and digital platforms. They make executive decisions to ensure existing frameworks help facilitate the generation of profit. E-Commerce managers devise strategies and harness sales-related insights, prevailing standards, and novel developments to encourage sales and online stores.

E-Commerce managers direct software developers, copywriters, and graphic designers to ensure careful adherence to predetermined strategies. They review the security of checkout pages and procedures and create promotional offers, all while checking to ensure they’re uploaded precisely. They review copy and legal disclaimers to verify their accuracy and analyze traffic to inform website maintenance and marketing strategies’ effectiveness. E-Commerce managers examine sales-related metrics to inform restocks and report on the utility of existing and novel strategies. E-Commerce managers need a degree in marketing management, business, information systems, or related fields.

E-Commerce Manager Key Responsibilities:

  • Devising strategies that harness sales-related insights, prevailing standards, and novel developments to encourage sales in your online store;
  • Creating frameworks that transform your social media sites into highly profitable platforms;
  • Directing the activities of software developers, copywriters, and graphic designers to ensure careful adherence to predetermined strategies;
  • Reviewing the security of checkout pages and payment procedures;
  • Creating promotional offers and checking to see that these are uploaded precisely;
  • Reviewing copy and legal disclaimers to verify their accuracy;
  • Analyzing traffic and the effectiveness of marketing strategies;
  • Examining sales-related metrics;
  • Reporting on the utility of existing and novel strategies.

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